Educational Guidance and Counselling: Need and Scope
Guidance plays an important role in the field of educational psychology. It enables a student to solve his/her educational, vocational and psychological problems properly and in a systemic way.
In education, it has some different meaning. Here we mean that helping out a student in discovering his/her capabilities, potential, capacities and the aptitude.
Experts’ Views:
· Fowler believes that guidance is to helping the student for favorable adjustments.
· Crow and Crow is of the view that guidance is to helping an individual or providing assistance to an individual by a competent person for developing his point of view, making and carrying out own decision.
· Kitson says that guidance is an individualized education.
· Jones considers guidance as the promotion of growth of individual’s self-direction.
· W.D Wall considers guidance as an intrinsic aspect of education.
Key Points of Guidance:
· Its helps in discovering the abilities of an individual.
· Its is based on the interests and needs of an individual.
· Its focuses on individual and not on the issue.
· Its guides towards self-development.
· It helps in planning.
· It provides pace for adjusting oneself according environment.
· It helps in achieving happiness and success in life.
· It helps in building social relationships.
Counselling is a smaller part of guidance which deals with individuals issues. It refers to a process in which an individual takes some decision or to choose an option in matters related to him or her.
Key Points of Counselling:
· Counsellor through getting various information knows sufficiently about the individual.
· As for as counseling in education is concerned, a counselor tries to relate the student’s education with his/her profession.
· A counsellor must have a deep knowledge about the student; otherwise he or she would not be able to decide about the student in a better way.